Praeludium: Take part in an immersive experience of classical music
At the heart of our cultural heritage, classical music holds the harmonic foundations of contemporary music. However, it often only reaches connoisseurs. So how can we awaken the interest of a wider audience and create a strong emotional bond?
Developed by the EPFL+ECAL Lab, Praeludium is designed to foster the perception of classical music, particularly among a neophyte public. Produced in collaboration with the Swiss Radio and Television and the Acousmatik association in Fribourg, this immersive installation will make its first public appearance at the International Festival of Sacred Music in Fribourg, from June 29 to July 7, 2024.
We invite you to take part in a collective experience with this immersive installation during the festival. Praeludium explores the richness of classical music and aims to make musical experiences more accessible to everyone. You will be able to experience the installation during a collective session lasting about an hour. Then we will kindly ask you to answer a few questions. Your participation will contribute to the further development of this installation.