Delphine Ribes

Head of Creative Coding

Delphine Ribes Lemay, Head of Creative Coding at EPFL+ECAL Lab, is an electrical engineer and originally specialized in medical image processing.
She leads the software and Artificial Intelligence approach on EPFL+ECAL Lab’s research projects. She is also responsible for the medical and healthcare research at the lab.

Besides her research activities, she is a lecturer at EPFL+ECAL Lab where she teaches machine learning and creative coding on the MAS. At EPFL, she gives courses where she shares her experiences in working in pluridisciplinary and start-up environments.

Related projects

Scientific publications

Toward Automatic Typography Analysis: Serif Classification and Font Similarities.

Syed Talal Wasim, Romain Collaud, Lara Défayes, Nicolas Henchoz, Mathieu Salzmann and Delphine Ribes Lemay. 2024. Toward Automatic Typography Analysis: Serif Classification and Font Similarities. Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities, Historical Documents and automatic text recognition (Project presentations).
Related project(s)

Journal of data mining and digital humanities

Journal Article

Designing self-tracking experiences: A qualitative study of the perceptions of barriers and facilitators to adopting digital health technology for automatic urine analysis at home.

Margherita Motta, Emily Groves, Andrea Schneider, Samantha Paoletti, Nicolas Henchoz and Delphine Ribes Lemay. 2023. Designing self-tracking experiences: A qualitative study of the perceptions of barriers and facilitators to adopting digital health technology for automatic urine analysis at home. PLOS Digital Health 2(9).

Related project(s)

PLOS Digital Health

Journal Article