Emily Groves

Senior Interaction Designer & MAS Coordinator

Emily is a designer, researcher and educator. She has a BSc in Human Sciences from University College London, an MA in Information Experience Design from the Royal College of Art, and an MAS in Design Research for Digital Innovation from the EPFL+ECAL Lab. Her interests lie at the intersection of culture, technology and food.

At the lab, Emily works as a project manager, design lead and academic lead on several projects ranging from digital well-being to prospective design. She also coordinates the MAS in Design Research for Digital Innovation, giving courses in academic writing and research methods, and running the Design Research Seminar.

Related projects

Scientific publications

Adapting Haptic Feedback for Guided Meditation.

Yoann Douillet, Romain Collaud, Emily Groves, Andreas Sonderegger, Cédric Duchêne and Nicolas Henchoz. 2023. Adapting Haptic Feedback for Guided Meditation. In Nuria Pelechano, Fotis Liarokapis, Damien Rohmer and Ali Asadipour (Eds.), International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (IMET). The Eurographics Association.
Related project(s)

The Eurographics Association

Conference Paper